
2015年11月12日—ThecharacterIrvingcreated—theoldmanwhoshowsupattheplaygroundand,asDrewwouldsay,getsbuckets—isback.PepsiandIrving ...,,2015,UncleDrew:Chapter4,RayAllen·BaronDavisKyrieIrvingJ.B.Smoove,WaltLouisUncleDrewAngelo,UncleDrewisdowninMiamiputtinginworkand ...,,UncleDrewAKAoneofthebestballersintheNBAKyrieIrvingisbackforChapter4ofhisPepsiseries.Ifyou'reunfamiliarwithUncleDrew, ...,,UncleDr...

Kyrie Irving's Uncle Drew returns for Chapter 4

2015年11月12日 — The character Irving created — the old man who shows up at the playground and, as Drew would say, gets buckets — is back. Pepsi and Irving ...

Uncle Drew

2015, Uncle Drew: Chapter 4, Ray Allen · Baron Davis Kyrie Irving J.B. Smoove, Walt Louis Uncle Drew Angelo, Uncle Drew is down in Miami putting in work and ...

Uncle Drew schools the youth once again in fourth chapter ...

Uncle Drew AKA one of the best ballers in the NBA Kyrie Irving is back for Chapter 4 of his Pepsi series. If you're unfamiliar with Uncle Drew, ...

Uncle Drew

Uncle Drew: Chapter 4: Directed by Kyrie Irving. With Ray Allen, Baron Davis, Kyrie Irving, J.B. Smoove. Uncle Drew is down in Miami putting in work and ...